Sunday, February 26, 2012

SM Audition Experience

I went to the SM Global Audition in NYC on the 18th. I made an experience video for anybody who is interested. Good luck to anybody that tried out or will try out!


  1. Excuse me, I'm from Portugal,and I'm 15 years old, and I can't audition personally, since I don't even have money to go to another city. I sent an e-mail with my information, photos and a video of me singing. Will they notice my e-mail? I sent it yersterday at 00:30, which in Seoul is 08:05, and for now, still no replies. How can I make them see the e-mail? If you sent an email too.
    Thank you,
    Helena Borges

  2. I sentt one last summer and they replied with an automated message telling me that they will be having a global audition later (which is the one I intended). I'm not sure if they do check their email, but if you really want it, do everything you can. Good luck :)

  3. Hey i really like your video. I'm really into k-pop and I'm south-Asian. I'm in a big doubt if I should audition for it. I'm not really talented into singing or acting but I think I'm a pretty good singer. Could you tell me how much practice and other things in general you need to get into the audition?

  4. You should audition regardless. I'm not going to lie. East Asian or East Asian looking people have better chances, but that should not stop you. You should practice to accentuate your natural talent. Just do it so that you don't freak out or blank at the auditions.

  5. Hi im attempting to have an online audition in JYP cause it says that they check it every 7 days but I want to audition in SM si bad and hope to be a trainee someday. Any advice? Thanks.


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